Mastering Immigration Law Subscription Updates April 2022

We saw the Government’s New Plan for Immigration taking a full force of implementation in the form of Nationality and Borders Act in April 2022. This consultation process was found to be fair under the determination of A & Ors [2022] EWHC 360 (Admin) Our experts have laid out a comprehensive list of the relevant Acts under the Primary Legislation, helpfully pointing which of the Act is dealing with the different areas of immigration issues in relevance.  

Under the public law regime, the case of Sajid Zulfiqar v SSHD [2022] EWCA Civ 492 established three important principles. The determination addressed timing of assessment of foreign criminal status, it emphasises materiality of very long UK residence in deportation appeals and it addressed the balance of probabilities when assessing public interest in deportation. The case law further  

The importance of safeguarding credibility of overseas expert evidence was firmly reinstated in the case HA Sri Lanka [2022] UKUT 111.  The IAC warned experts they may be reported to their regulator for failing to honour their professional obligations; SSHD expected to agree expert reports where possible.  Hon Mr Justice Lane (President Upper Tribunal) further emphasised obligations on doctors giving evidence on mental health issues to comply with obligations and address GP records.  

Simultaneously, April 2022 also witnessed the advent of Global Mobility routes.  These are designed to facilitate workers based outside the UK undertaking temporary work assignments in the UK.  The workers are now further defined under the categories of Senior or Specialist Worker, Graduate Trainee, UK Expansion Worker (in replacement of Sole representative visa), Service Supplier or Secondment Worker. Further revisions were also made to the international agreement routes including seasonal workers.  

This and more, including significant reported judgments such as revisions to the EUSS regime, Guidance on Ukrainian migrants,  updates on the Windrush compensation scheme and the position on asylum seekers entitlement to adequate accommodation (just to name a few) are now included in Mastering Immigration Law. 

The updates maybe be found in Updates & Documentation module. Please log in to access. Index also updated. 

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15th July 2022
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