10/10/18 Outline Law Society on fast-tracked immigration appeals presenting grave obstacles to fairness and undermine the rule of law
10/10/18 Form Application to come to the UK on diplomatic posting: form VAFDIP1
10/10/18 Government response to the report on Deportation with Assurances (DWA) response to David Anderson QC’s review of the framework
10/10/18 News item Home Secretary attends G6 Summit meeting Interior Ministers in Lyon to discuss security and migration cooperation
10/10/18 Policy options for future migration from the EEA area correspondence HASC and SSHD on ILPA
10/10/18 Outline of Refugee Action campaign to let asylum seekers work
10/10/18 Updated lists Register of licensed sponsors: workers ; Register of licensed sponsors: students
10/10/18 Announcement New action to tackle modern slavery and support victims £5 million innovation fund announced and child trafficking advocates scheme rolled out
9/10/18 Secretary of State Dominic Raab’s statement – update on EU Exit negotiations
9/10/18 Strategic Legal Fund Scoping Exercise Local Authority disputes in Age Assessment cases – call for evidence to close by 12/10/18 legal survey social worker and support agencies survey
9/10/18 List Nationality document return service: Greater London updated contact number for Westminster
9/10/18 Information pages Apply for citizenship if your spouse is a British citizen ; Apply for citizenship if you’re from the EEA
9/10/18 Guidance Judge over your shoulder to understand the legal environment in which government decisions are made and assess the impact of legal risk
9/10/18 Training and awareness resources Modern slavery training: resource page for public sector organisations to help staff understand modern slavery and learn to spot the signs
9/10/18 Report Construction and the Modern Slavery Act: Tackling exploitation in the UK examines the UK construction industry’s response to the Modern Slavery Act
8/10/18 Ulaszonek v Polish Judicial Authority [2018] EWHC 2618 (Admin) although basis for seeking extradition had narrowed, amendment of EAW did not warrant squashing it in its entirety
8/10/18 Guidance Inadmissibility: third country cases details Immigration Rules 345A-D, relating to inadmissibility of asylum claims and the Home Office processes supporting those rules
8/10/18 Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM for those with statutory duties to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.
8/10/18 Guidance page Visit the UK on a Permitted Paid Engagement visa
8/10/18 Policy guidance Assessing age for asylum applicants stated changes: minor updates
8/20/18 Premium visa upgrade request form updated to reflect new fee
5/10/18 Windrush lessons learned review details of the Independent Advisory Group published
5/10/18 FGM campaign materials Oct ’18 campaign highlights the harmful health consequences of FGM and signposts the NSPCC’s 24 hour FGM helpline
5/10/18 Updated list Tuberculosis test for a UK visa: clinics in India Clinical Diagnostic Centre, South Mumbai removed; new clinic added Clinical Diagnostic Centre, Nariman Point Mumbai
4/10/18 Bogatu C-322/17 opinion: on ‘activity as an employed person’ and priority rules in the event of overlapping entitlements to family benefits in Art 68 of Reg 883/2004
4/10/18 Hemmati & Ors, R (on app of) [2018] EWCA Civ 2122 on detention pending Dublin III removals: EIGs and Hardial Singh principles failed to satisfy Reg 604/2013 rendering such detention between 1/1/14-15/3/17 unlawful; outline of background and impact
4/10/18 Ahmedbekova C-652/16 on the correct processing of asylum claims lodged separately by family members and interrelationship between them; European Database of Asylum Law outline
4/10/18 Update on visa processing in the USA settlement applications should still be sent directly to Sheffield, unless the PAC and the Settlement Premium Service is being used
4/10/18 Updated document Returns preparation stated changes: updated guidance on arranging removal and judicial reviews
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