Legal update for week 27th September 2018 to 3rd October 2018

3/10/18 Help Refugees Limited, R (on app of) [2018] EWCA Civ 2098 reasons for refusal provided under Dubs Amendment were unlawful as ‘patently inadequate’; but consultation on capping was lawful

3/10/18 CPIN Sri Lanka: Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression stated changes: updated country information

2/10/18 Mendirez [2018] CSIH 65 analysis by FTT and UT of ‘insurmountable obstacles’ and Art 8 had lacked anxious scrutiny in refusal of leave under Appendix FM which failed the MIT

2/10/18 Pathan & Anor [2018] EWCA Civ 2103 equal treatment is an aspect of rational behaviour but is not a freestanding ground for JR; failure by HO to give notice of sponsor licence revocation was not irrational

2/10/18 Article: NGOs highlight asylum-seeker and migrant poverty in submissions to UN Special Rapporteur

2/10/18 Tougher KOLL tests for citizenship – proposal announced by SSHD

2/10/18 Article on announcement of post-Brexit immigration system to be based on skills

3/10/18 Updated lists  Register of licensed sponsors: workers Register of licensed sponsors: students

2/10/18 CPIN India: Sexual orientation and gender identity and expression country info and assessment updated to reflect Sep 2018 Supreme Court of India judgement on s 377 of the IPC

2/10/18 Nationality checking service: England Wakefield removed, no longer offering this service

2/10/18 Updated forms Application for review when British citizenship is refused: form NR ; Application to register as British citizen: form RS1 no changes are stated

2/10/18 Updated form Application to give up (renounce) British citizenship: form RN updated to account for GDPR

2/10/18 Home Office – Statistics at Home Office – survey on how HO can improve statistical publications

2/10/18 Updated guidance Fees for citizenship and right of abode applications fees can be paid online if using online forms

2/10/18 Updated guidance Country returns no stated changes

2/10/18 Updated list Nationality document return service: England Dudley removed, no longer offering this service

1/10/18 Outline of article on increase in HO delays in settlement applications despite falling applications

1/10/18 Civil processing dates timescales for LAA to process work (eg civil applications and bills); dates updated

27/9/18 CPIN Iran: Women fearing domestic abuse stated changes: changes to the template; new standard paragraphs in the guidance; updated COI (post July 2017)

27/9/18 Treatment of tax discrepancies in EU settled status process – correspondence (ILPA login required) HMRC data is used to confirm residence; provision of NINO is optional, but where fraud or crime is uncovered data may be shared with the relevant authorities

27/9/18 Guidance Victims of trafficking: guidance for competent bodies signposted to the new discretionary leave for victims of modern slavery instruction and consequential sense checking

27/9/18 CPIN Libya updated to remove prison conditions document – now out of date

27/9/18 CPIN Sudan: Non-Arab Darfuri stated changes: updated country information and revision of policy guidance

27/9/18 Updated form Application to register as a British citizen: form B(OTA) no changes are stated

27/9/18 Publication of Legal aid statistics: April to June 2018

27/9/18 Updated list Allocations of restricted certificates of sponsorship

27/9/18 New HTML version on UK visa requirements for international carriers

28th October 2020

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