Immigration control and the hostile environment
14/5/19 Updated guidance Windrush Compensation Scheme stated change: list of engagement events updated
14/5/19 Updated guidance Windrush scheme stated change: added message regarding technical issues with phone lines
13/5/19 Updated guidance Landlords: immigration right to rent checks stated changes: added information on right to rent checks for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens now and after Brexit
13/5/19 Article comprehensive new report finds problems identified in earlier 2015 report persist
9/5/19 News story Inspection Report Published: An inspection of the Home Office’s approach to Illegal Working page links to report and HO response
9/5/19 News story Inspection Report Published: A re-inspection of the Home Office’s Reporting and Offender Management processes and of its management of non-detained Foreign National Offenders page links to re-inspection report and HO responses
General requirements of the rules and guidance, application process
15/5/19 ILPA resource VFS update: form for applicants who apply through a VFS preferred partner to obtain certain benefits at a premium application centre login required
15/5/19 ILPA resource UKVI response to ILPA re Entry Clearance issues in response to ILPA Feedback to UKVI re Entry Clearance issues for meeting on 17/4/19 login required
14/5/19 Updated guidance Tuberculosis tests for visa applicants for Angola, Botswana, Cote D’Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Senegal, Cameroon, Gambia, Zimbabwe
Routes outside the points-based system and Appendix FM; Home Office concessions; conventions beyond the ECHR
9/5/1 O & N v R. [2019] EWCA Crim 752 on the question of public interest in the prosecution of victims of trafficking
Points based system
15/5/19 Updated lists Register of licensed sponsors: workers; Register of licensed sponsors: students
14/5/19 ILPA resource Correspondence from between James Perrott of Macfarlanes and Richard Jackson of UKVI re. Tier 1 (Investors) login required
9/5/19 ILPA resource UKVI update: FOI request reveals no applications for Start-up or Innovator visas as of 12 April 2019 login required
International protection
14/5/19 Asylum Research Centre COI update and ARC Foundation and Dutch Council for Refugees comments on the EASO Country of Origin Information Report: Iraq Targeting of Individuals
14/5/19 M , X and X Joined Cases C-391/16, C-77/17 and C-78/17 press report the effect of the revocation of or refusal to grant refugee status is neither that a person who has a well-founded fear of persecution in his or her country of origin is not a refugee, nor that he or she does not have the rights which the Geneva Convention attaches to being a refugee
14/5/19 Updated guidance Criminality guidance in article 8 ECHR cases stated change: additional sections to reflect KO (Nigeria) [2018] UKSC 53
Asylum process and practice
15/5/19 Article The Guardian: Home Office scraps six-month service standard for asylum claims HO will now concentrate on cases with acute vulnerability, including unaccompanied children
14/5/19 New CPIN Ukraine: Country Background Note
10/5/19 News story Appeal judges reject single parent asylum seekers’ legal challenge over ‘mean spirited’ cuts to financial support
European Union law, EEA free movement, settled status and Brexit
14/5/19 Correspondence Open letter regarding the Withdrawal Agreement from Secretary of State Steve Barclay MP to Rt Hon John Redwood MP in response to Rt Hon John Redwood MP’s open letter to the AG Geoffrey Cox of 4/3/19
14/5/19 Updated collection EU Settlement Scheme: applicant information stated change: guidance EU Settlement Scheme: community support for vulnerable citizens added
14/5/19 Updated guidance EU Settlement Scheme: ID document scanner locations stated change: locations in Helensburgh and Oban added
13/5/19 New guidance Right to rent checks for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens after Brexit
9/5/19 Speech Secretary of State Steve Barclay’s speech at the Future of Europe Conference at Sibiu, Romania
Enforcement, detention, removal & deportation
10/5/2019 Thyer v Public Prosecutor at the High Instance Court of Paris, France [2019] EWHC 1185 dismissed extradition appeal as it was found that conditions in women’s prisons do not breach Art 3
3/5/19 Ivoskevicius v The Lord Advocate on behalf of the Lithuanian Authorities [2019] HCJAC 29 dismissed application for permission to appeal extradition decision
3/5/19 Kovaliauskaite The Lord Advocate on behalf of the Lithuanian Authorities [2019] HCJAC 30 dismissed extradition appeal in context of assurances regarding prison conditions
13/5/19 Consultation responses Simplification of the Immigration Rules consultation – Law Society response
9/5/19 Updated LAA guidance Civil processing dates timescales for LAA to process work, eg civil applications and bills
9/5/19 LAA update Civil news: contacting the exceptional and complex cases team by e-mail
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